Our Values and Culture

Our Values are at the heart of everything we do; they define the way we behave and act, both with each other and with our customers and partners, and how we think, helping to shape the culture, character and beliefs of our business.

Eleventure’s diverse workforce embraces mutual respect and regard. We endeavor to blur the boundaries of communities and lands by emphasizing basic human values through Values

Fairness • Integrity • Respect • Sincerity • Transparency

We believe that, while hard work is essential, balance is important. Our associates often find themselves having fun as well as attaining excellence.

We ensure the highest regard for all our stakeholders:

Customers: Without our customers, we are nothing. We strive to respond to their changing needs and expectations with dexterity.

Associates/ Employees: We demonstrate our respect for our associates by practicing a fair and objective performance management system.

Society: We practice philanthropy, striving to give back more than what is earned from the society.
Reward and Benefit Practices

Investors/ Shareholders: Our efforts are focused on returning greater value to our investors.

At Eleventure, we welcome new ideas and innovation from every level and area of operation. As part of our effort to build a winning culture, we encourage our associates to realize their full potential. Our performance-based reward structure recognises associates who deliver results while demonstrating Eleventure’s values.

Financial compensation is just one part of a rewards and benefits package. We also offer our associates the opportunity of a diverse cultured career and a wide spectrum of domains to attain expertise in the areas of their interest.